Katja Kähkönen

May 16 at 5.00 pm,May 18, at 11.00 am and 5.00 pm
Venue: Lutkovno gledališèe Ljubljana

Things are not always what they seem. This is the motto of the performance, which through the connection of a girl, Bella, and a boy, Monstel, explores questions of human relations, of this friendship specifically, and the game of discovery they play as they learn their own qualities, as well as the inner qualities of the beauty and the beast.

Ljubljana Puppet Theatre was founded in 1948, after the Second World War. The theatre continued the puppeteering tradition that had started to blossom in Slovenia during the 1920s. The theatre has maintained this basic direction through the decades that have followed, producing performances for children, steering from classical to contemporary texts and then back again. Roughly half of the theatre’s productions are of Slovenian works, while the other half draws from international stories and the treasure trove of fairytales.

Director: Katja Kähkönen
Performers: Urška Hlebec, Ana Ruter, Miha Arh
Script: Katja Kähkönen
Set, puppets, costume design and construction: Katja Kähkönen
Music: Gregor Zemljiè
Lights: Miran Udoviè
Actors: Ana Ruter, Miha Arh, Urška Hlebec
Production: Lutkovno gledališèe Ljubljana




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